
Cynologic Subjects in Scientifi c Publicism of L.P. Sabaneyev (the Example of “Magazine of Hunting” and “Nature and Hunting”)


Studying artistic heritage of great scientist, publisher and editor L.P. Sabaneyev, especially on his cynology-themed
articles, is being highly topical today due to similarity of situation in cynology by the end of 19th and the beginning of
20th centuries.
The purpose of this article is studying L.P. Sabaneyev’s scientifi c publicism about dogs in his publishes – “Magazine
of Hunting” and “Nature and Hunting”, as well as defi ning scientist’s part in development of cynologic publicism in
Russia.Sabaneyev wasn’t the fi rst one to write about dogs in russian periodicals, the start of cynologic journalism within a
hunting dog breeding has been made by publishing of “Magazine of Horse Breeding and Hunting” in 1842, publisher and
editor – N.Reutt. Sabaneev’s merit was critical redefi ning and generalizing of signifi cant theoretical material from foreign
and native sources, as well as analisys on modern state of dog breeds and hunting dog breeding by the end of 19th century.
For this purpose during 1894 and 1899 in the magazine “Nature and Hunting” it’s editor has published series
of articles about dog breeding that provide a deep analisys on origin, history, purpose, personality and functionality of
hunting breeds.
Thereby the fi rst native publications on cynology, that appeared in russian periodicals in “Magazine of Horse
Breeding and Hunting”, in less than 50 years have reached the highest level of scientifi c analisys in L.P. Sabaneyev’s
articles, which were published in magazine “Nature and Hunting”. L.P. Sabaneyev has made a full picture of worldwide
hunting dog breeding at the end of 19th century, determined the place of native dog breeds in it, as well as brought out
main tendencies of world cynolody development.
L.P. Sabaneyev about dogs, magazines about hunting, cynologic subjects in scientifi c publicism, history of specialized magazines about dogs, hunting journalism of 19th century, classifi cation of dog breeds

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in the printed version of the journal or on RSCI website.