Formation of Adygeyan (Circassian) Ethnos, the 13th–16th Centuries: Space, Natural and Geographical Conditions, Factors of External Influence
The article is devoted to clarifying of the natural-geographic, historical and cultural factors of development of Adygeyan ethno-political community during the 13th–16th centuries. The areal of Adygeyan ethno-genesis in the previous centuries was limited with a framework of the very favorable for agriculture Kuban basin area of the Northwest Caucasus.
On the base of the theory of “topo-genesis” imposed by Russian philosopher-“Eurasian” P.N. Savitskiy the impact of the natural and geographical environment in the course of the ethnic processes is analyzed. The Circassian topo-genesis was determined by a combination of extremely rich water resources of the Kuban basin with the wooded landscape covering both the spurs of the Main Caucasian ridge, and a large part of Transkuban plain. The fertile soil, abundance of fruit trees, the mild climate provided by the dominant infl uence of the air masses of the Black Sea, as well as the relatively high level of the agriculture ensured the stable reproduction of population of the indigenous ethnic group.
At the same time the socio-economic and political development of Adygeyan (Circassian) Ethnos was adversely affected by such factors as the permanent nomadic threat or “the pressure stimulus” – according to A. Toynbee’s defi nition. That pressure alternated with strong impacts, approximately once a century, caused by the advent of a new wave of nomadic invaders. In countering that pressure the Circassian ethno-political space, as well as its economic structure, housing and settlement complex, social and political institutions formed and developed.
The countering the pressure of the steppe empires had not purely military, confrontational character. It should be understood that the recognition of vassalage in relation to the Khan could not only hinder the development of Adygeyan
ethno-political community, but also contribute to its strengthening. It can be said that the strengthening of Circassia was not only in spite of, but owing to the Golden Horde.
On the base of the theory of “topo-genesis” imposed by Russian philosopher-“Eurasian” P.N. Savitskiy the impact of the natural and geographical environment in the course of the ethnic processes is analyzed. The Circassian topo-genesis was determined by a combination of extremely rich water resources of the Kuban basin with the wooded landscape covering both the spurs of the Main Caucasian ridge, and a large part of Transkuban plain. The fertile soil, abundance of fruit trees, the mild climate provided by the dominant infl uence of the air masses of the Black Sea, as well as the relatively high level of the agriculture ensured the stable reproduction of population of the indigenous ethnic group.
At the same time the socio-economic and political development of Adygeyan (Circassian) Ethnos was adversely affected by such factors as the permanent nomadic threat or “the pressure stimulus” – according to A. Toynbee’s defi nition. That pressure alternated with strong impacts, approximately once a century, caused by the advent of a new wave of nomadic invaders. In countering that pressure the Circassian ethno-political space, as well as its economic structure, housing and settlement complex, social and political institutions formed and developed.
The countering the pressure of the steppe empires had not purely military, confrontational character. It should be understood that the recognition of vassalage in relation to the Khan could not only hinder the development of Adygeyan
ethno-political community, but also contribute to its strengthening. It can be said that the strengthening of Circassia was not only in spite of, but owing to the Golden Horde.
Circassians, topo-genesis, landscape, the North-Western Caucasus, Kuban basin, Fischt-Oshtenskiy massif, the steppe, nomads, the Golden Horde