- 1. Civilizational Approach in the Study of Russian – Caucasian Relations in the 18th–19th Centuries in the National Historiography
- № 3 (2023)
- 2. “The History of the Peoples of the Northern Caucasus“– The Incomplete
- № 1 (2019)
- 3. Two Views on the Problem of Russian-Caucasian Relations in the 16th–19th Centuries or Reflections on the Book by Zhurtov A.A., Maksimchik A.N. Historiography of Russian- Caucasian Relations in the 16th-19th Century: Two Approaches to Understanding the Pro
- № 1 (2018)
- 4. Russian Policy in Chechnya in the Period of the Governorship of A.P. Tormasov
- № 4 (2016)
- 5. Civilizational Role of Russia in the North Caucasus (on the Example of Russian-Chechen Relations)
- № 2 (2016)
- 6. Historiographical Methodology as a Source of Risk and Confl ict-Factor
- № 1 (2016)
- 7. Caucasian Policy of Russia at the Beginning of the 19th century: the Emperor and Governors
- № 2 (2015)
- 8. On the 150th Anniversary of the End of the Caucasian War: History, Causes and Content
- № 4 (2014)
- 9. Caucasus Studies: Role in the Reintegration Process, the Development of Russian Civil Identity and Business Potential
- № 3 (2014)
- 10. Reintegration of Post-Soviet Russia: Obstacles and Ways of Overcoming
- № 4 (2013)
- 11. The Northern Caucasus in the Sociological Dimension Review of Dzutsev X. V.’ Monograph “The Ethnosociological Image of the Northern Caucasus Federal Okrug’ Republics. Moscow: Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya. 2012. 734 p.
- № 3 (2013)
- 12. Islamism: Sociological Discourse
- № 2 (2010)
- 13. Yu.A. Zhdanov and Development of Historical Ssciences in Rostov State University
- № 1 (2010)
- 14. North Caucasian society on a boundary of centuries (Reflection above the monography of A. Shadzhe and E. Sheudzhen "The North Caucasian society: experience of the system analysis" / Ed. by R.D. Hunagov. Moscow, 2004.)
- № 4 (2005)
- 15. Domestic historiography of people's liberation movements on Northern Caucasus in 20 - 50th years XIX: a science in a context of political process
- № 1 (2003)
- 16. Russia and peoples of North Caucasus: problems civilization and cultural dialogue
- № 3 (1999)