
Some Lexical and Grammatical Ways of Expressing Statements in the Kabardino-Circassian Language and in the Speech of the Diaspora

(Федеральный научный центр «КабардиноБалкарскийнаучныйцентрРоссийскойакадемиинаук)

The article examines the main grammatical and lexical ways of expressing statements in the literary Kabardino-Circassian language and in the speech of the Circassian (Adyghe) diaspora abroad in a comparative light. It is argued that the study of the category of statements is of scientifi c interest not only for linguists, but also for philosophers, and is also important for studying the history of language and people. Various morphemes are considered as markers of the expression of affirmation in the modern Kabardino-Circassian literary language and the speech of the diaspora (the suffi x of affi rmativeness shch; synchronous use of negative morpheme). Attention is drawn to the fact that the speech of the diaspora, unlike the language of the metropolis, has preserved archaic forms of expression of the statement, which are still partially preserved in the dialects and dialects of the Kabardino-Circassian language in the historical homeland. Based on the analysis of empirical material, it was revealed that both in the KabardinoCircassian language and in the speech of the diaspora, the main way of expressing an assertion is the affixal method, the lexical one is used more often as an expression of an affirmative answer. It is concluded that the category of affirmation is expressed by the affirmative copula suffi x -sch and its phonetic variants (-s, sh) in the speech of the diaspora and in some dialects and dialects of the metropolis.
кабардино-черкесский язык, черкесы, речь, диаспора, категория утверждения, лексика, грамматика, язык метрополии

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