Empiricism and philosophy of infinity

(Rostov-on-Don, Copenhagen)

The present status of the modern cosmology in the light of Recent Wilkinson Microwave Probe (WMAP) experiment is described. The unprecedent quality of the WMAP data, and the tight constaints on the bayonic and dark matter densities shows, that expansions of the Universe is diving by the density and accelerate of vacuum matter. This means that in the temperature history of the cosmic plasma we have relativity small period of the structure formation, including galaxies, clusters of galaxies down to stars and planets scales. In a few billions years these structures will dissipate and the future of the Universe world determine by the energy of the vacuum.
Thus, we have a new situation in the nature sciences, when our impressions about the future of the Earth, the Sun, our Galaxy and large scale structure of the Universe has some limitation, closely related with infinity paradigm.

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