For Authors
The journal publishes the results of fundamental researches in the field of social, natural and technical sciences.
The papers are accepted by e-mail , in the "Word" editor program, in 14th point, 1.5 line spacing, 28 lines in a page, 60 characters in a row, including intervals.
The publication page count for authors going to defence the master's thesis is no more than 14 pages, doctoral thesis - no more than 18 pages. When typesetting only the standard fonts are to be used: Times New Roman Cyr. The electronic version of the article must strictly conform to the hard form. The electronic version allows only the placement of automatic hyphenation. In the electronic version, only automatic hyphenation is allowed.Pages must be numbered. The name of the article and the subsequent names of the author(s) are given in Russian and English. The electronic version must consist of three files: article, abstracts, information. The file names should consist only of the author's surname and the "article, abstracts, information". For example: Ivanov-article.doc, Ivanov-information.doc, Ivanov-abstracts.doc. If the article has several authors, then the first author surname is given to the files.
If the article provides examples in the national languages (Kalmyk, Bashkir, Mongolian, Adyghe etc. (except European ones - French, German, English and Spanish), be sure to provide on the disk the corresponding font files along with an article (the very font used in typing of these examples is provided, but not just any font with the national language; in addition, several files are provided, but one, corresponding to the different forms of the font - regular (Regular), italic (Italic), bold (Bold), bold italic (Bold Italic).
Figures are provided as separate files (in .jpg (nonzipped) .wmf, .emf, .cdr, .tiff formats) with list of pictures' captions or in the "Word" editor program within the text of the article (only if the drawings are made in the "Word" program). Figures should be clear, not pale and black-and-white. All symbols in the figures must be clear and well distinguishable from each other.
Tables should be numbered, tied to the text and have titles. Tables created in the "Word" editor program are accepted only.
References should be endnote. All references should necessarily be tied to the text. Numbering - as mentioned in the text in square brackets (not alphabetically). The Literature should encounter no less than 10 references, at least 50% of which should be in foreign language (except for materials of regional issues). Not less than 70% of the literature should be scientific sources (articles, monographs) - not textbooks. Links to acts, decrees, orders, Consultant Plus are given in the footnotes under asterisks and are not considered as literature. The Internet sources formatting executes in accordance with GOST. In the Literature when making reference to the book the publishing house and the total number of pages in the book are to be necessarily indicated. When referring to a multi-volume edition the amount of volumes and the exact volume are indicated. The link to periodical is given as follows: Author's name. Title of the article // Title of the journal. Year. Volume (Vol.). №. Article pages interval. The articles without literature are not accepted.
The material is attached with: the abstract in the English and Russian languages (see Abstract design sample); UDC, LBC (placed in the upper left corner of the article); keywords; author's information: surname, first name, patronymic name (in full); academic degree; academic rank; position (indicating the full name of the department and the higher education institution); phones (department, home, cell) with city code; mailing address (home and higher education institution) indicating the zip-code; e-mail, passport data. All information and keywords are provided in the English and Russian languages.
Abstract design, information and literature samples one may find on the site. BE SURE TO ISSUE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SAMPLES.
Materials should be sent only by a common correspondence or by registered mail. Please do not use other types of postal services.
Editorial Office Address: 160, office 114, Pushkinskaya Street, Rostov-on-Don, 344006
Tel. +7 (863) 218-40-00, additional number 10910
Web-site: www.nmkav.ru
Structure of the Article
- A brief description of the degree of elaboration of the stated problem. For this purpose in the beginning of the article 2-3 pioneering works on problem of the domestic/foreign researchers should be indicated, and in the endnote - their full bibliographic description should be given: Place of publication: Publishing House, Year. Total number of pages; if it is an article in the journal, then the author's name is to be given. Article heading// Title of the journal. Year. Vol. №. Pp. (article pages interval). It is also possible to present a general block of two or three basic sources (see. Eg., Ivanova I.I ... ..; Sidorov AA ... .; etc.).
- There should be an exact formulation of goals and objectives of one's own research and the indication of the factual material for this research.
- The author's innovations in solving the stated problem are to be emphasized in Conclusions: the novelty of the author's ideas and positions as opposed to the existing array of scientific knowledge on the issue.
- Indication of UDC (taken in the scientific library of your university).
- Author's name (if any). Title of the material // Website name (just the name, not the site address). [Electronic resource]. URL: page address containing the material.
Examples for Bibliography
References should be given in endnote. All references should necessarily be bound to the text. Numbering - as mentioned in the text in square brackets (not alphabetically). The Literature should encounter no less than 10 references, at least 50% of which should be in a foreign language (except for materials of regional issues). Not less than 70% of the literature should be SCIENTIFIC sources (articles, monographs) - not textbooks. References of acts, decrees, orders, Consultant-Plus are given in the footnotes under asterisks and are not considered as literature.
In the Literature when making reference to a book the publishing house and the total number of pages in the book are to be necessarily indicated. When referring to a multi-volume edition the amount of volumes and the exact volume are indicated. The reference to periodical is given as follows: Author's name. Article heading // Title of the journal. Year. Volume (Vol.). №. Article pages interval.
The electronic resources are given as follows:
Author’s name (if indicated). Title of the material // Website name (just the name, not the site address). [Electronic resource]. URL: page address containing the material (date of reference)
The articles without literature are not accepted.
In addition to the main list of Literature the same very list, issued by rules of SCOPUS and called REFERENCES, is also to be applied:
1. The Russian scientific journals’ references design
Authors’ names – of all of them (transliterated). Title of the journal (italics, transliterated), year, Vol., No, pp.
Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V.
Neftyanoe khozyaistvo, 2008, no.11, pp. 54-57.
2. Book and monograph design
Authors’ names – of all of them (transliterated). Title of the book (the transliteration in italics, followed by the translation in English in square brackets). City (the transliteration or the established translation): publisher’s name (in English), year. Total number of pages.
Lindorf L.S., Mamikoniants L.G., eds. Ekspluatatsiia turbogeneratorov s neposredstvennym okhlazhdeniem [Operation of turbine generators with direct cooling]. Moscow, Energiia Publ., 1972. 352 p.
3. Conference proceedings
Authors’ names – of all of them (transliterated). Title of the conference as well as the works and proceedings (the transliteration in italics, followed by the translation in English in square brackets). Place, date of conference, place of publication, year, article pages – all in English.
Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova
A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “ Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologiinedropol ' zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” [Proc. 6th Int. Symp. “New energy savingsubsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”]. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267–272.
4. Links to electronic journal
Authors’ names – of all of them (transliterated). Title of the journal (the transliteration, if it is a Russian journal, italics) year, Vol., No, available at: page address, containing the article, date of reference.
Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1999, vol. 5, no. 2, available at: http://www. ascusc.org/ jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (accessed 28 April 2011)
5. Internet resource
The transliterated resource title in italics, followed by the translation in English in round brackets. Available at: page address (date of reference).
Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov (Rules for the Citing of Sources) Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1034528/ (accessed 7 February 2011)
The transliteration is to be done via website www.translit.ru, the BGN transliteration system.
Information about the author
Information is provided not in the form of questionnaire, but in one sentence:
When informing in Russian are indicated the surname, first name, patronymic name (in full); academic degree; academic rank; position (indicating the full name of the department and the higher education institution in the genitive case, the name of the university should not contain information on affiliation and ownership - FSSI, FGAOU, etc.); Phones (department, home, cell) with city code; mailing address (home and higher education institution) indicating the zip-code; e-mail, passport data. All data are presented in the following pattern:
Ivan Ivanov Ivanovich – graduate student, lecturer of the theory and history of world literature department of the Southern Federal University, 344010, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya street, 150, e-mail: .............. (your personal!), Tel. 8 (863) ............. (department!)
When informing in English are indicated the name, last name (in full), the name of the higher education institution (in the nominative case, no cuts and no information about the affiliation and ownership - FSSI, FGAOU etc.), address (it is written in the opposite direction: the building, the street, city, zip code!), e-mail .............. (your personal!), tel. .............. (department!)
Ivan Ivanov– Southern Federal University, 150 Pushkinskaya Street, Rostov-on-Don, 344010, e-mail: ................ (your personal!), tel. +7(863)............... (department!)
Please note that in the information to be drawn up according to the pattern the address and telephone number of the department (we print this information), and e-mail - your personal are to be given. All other information requested by us (address and phone, cell phone, passport data are given only in Russian following the information in English in the free form):
Home address: zip-code, city, street, building, apartment
Tel.: ......... (h.)., ................ (mob.)
Passport data: .................
Иванов А.А. (Ростов-на-Дону). Доно-кубано-украинские отношения в 1917-1918 годах
Ключевые слова: казаки, взаимоотношения, Дон, Кубань, Украина.
Статья посвящена взаимоотношениям между образовавшимися на Юге России в 1918 году казачьими государственными образованиями и Украиной на основе общей борьбы с Советской властью. Указывается, что решающее влияние на эти взаимоотношения оказал фактора присутствия германских войск на территории Украины и Дона.
A. Ivanov (Rostov-on-Don). The Relationships Between the Don and Kuban Cossacks and Ukraine State on 1917-1918
Key words: Cossacks, relationships, Don, Kuban, Ukraine.
The article is devoted to the relationships between the Don and Kuban Cossacks states, which appeared in Southern Russia on 1918, and Ukraine State on the foundation of the common straggle against the Soviet Power. At first, when the Don Cossacks and Ukraine were under the French and British leadership, they fought together against the Bolsheviks. Then the Ukrainian government changed its foreign policy for Germany and tried to occupy the part of Don Territory. The interaction between Don Cossacks and Ukraine stopped. Some monthes later the German troops occupied the Ukraine and reached the Don region. The Don Cossacks tried once more to unite the powers against the Bolsheviks. They wanted the new Ukranian government to become their ally in common straggle. Therefore, the Kuban Cossacks did. The decisive influence of German troops, which were situated on the Ukraine and Don territories, is shown in the article. The Don Cossacks could organize the allied relations with the Ukrainian government for the whole 1918 year. The Kuban Cossacks could not organize such relations with the Ukraine, because they had to fight against the Bolsheviks on the Kuban Territory together with the Volunteer army, and this army counted itself the enemy of the Germany.
The annotations in English should be:
- Original (should not be a calque of the Russian-language annotation with literal translation);
- Informative (should not contain common words);
- Meaningful (should reflect the main content of the article and the research results);
- Structured (should follow the logic description of the results in the article);
- "English" (should be written in good English);
- Compact (should stay within the volume of 100 - 250 words);
- The text should be connected using the word "therefore", "more", "like", "as a result", etc. («Consequently», «moreover», «for example», "the benefits of this study», «as a result» etc.), or isolated stated points should flow logically from one another;
- The active voice is in preference to the passive voice, that is, "The study tested", but not "It was tested in this study" (which is a common mistake of annotations in Russian);
- The structure of annotation, resembling the structure of the article, including an introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion (Conclusions) would be an asset.
Conclusions may be accompanied/attached by recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article, should not be repeated in the text of the author's resume.
One should avoid the unnecessary introductory phrases (eg, "the author of the article considers ...").
Purpose: Because of the large and continuous energetic requirements of brain function, neurometabolic
dysfunction is a key pathophysiologic aspect of the epileptic brain. Additionally, neurometabolic dysfunction has many self-propagating features that are typical of epileptogenic processes, that is, where each occurrence makes the likelihood of further mitochondrial and energetic injury more probable. Thus abnormal neurometabolism may be not only a chronic accompaniment of the epileptic brain, but also a direct contributor to epileptogenesis.
Methods: We examine the evidence for neurometabolic dysfunction in epilepsy, integrating human studies of metabolic imaging, electrophysiology, microdialysis, as well as intracranial EEG and neuropathology.
Results: As an approach of noninvasive functional imaging, quantitative magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) measured abnormalities of mitochondrial and energetic dysfunction (via 1H or 31P spectroscopy) are related to several pathophysiologic indices of epileptic dysfunction. With patients undergoing hippocampal resection, intraoperative 13C-glucose turnover studies show a profound decrease in neurotransmitter (glutamate-glutamine) cycling relative to oxidation in the sclerotic hippocampus. Increased extracellular glutamate (which has long been associated with increased seizure likelihood) is significantly linked with declining energetics as measured by 31P MR, as well as with increased EEG measures of Teager energy, further arguing for a direct role of glutamate with hyperexcitability.
Discussion: Given the important contribution that metabolic performance makes toward excitability in brain, it is not surprising that numerous aspects of mitochondrial and energetic state link significantly with electrophysiologic and microdialysis measures in human epilepsy. This may be of particular relevance with the self-propagating nature of mitochondrial injury, but may also help define the conditions for which interventions may be developed.
A. Ivanov (Rostov-on-Don). The Relationships Between the Don and Kuban Cossacks and Ukraine State on 1917-1918
Key words: Cossacks, relationships, Don, Kuban, Ukraine
Please note, that all the words in the title in english except the prepositions are capitalised
The articles’ scientific review procedure
The publication reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to its subject matter, for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have had publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years.
Upon receipt of the article, the editorial board of the journal checks the submitted materials for compliance with the formal requirements specified on the journal's website and passes through the Anti-Plagiarism system. The article should not contain unjustified borrowings. The originality of the article should be at least 75-80%. If the article does not meet the formal requirements and the requirements of originality, comments are sent to the author, and the article is not considered until all technical shortcomings are eliminated.
When the formal requirements are met, the article necessarily undergoes two stages of review: internal, by members of the editorial board, and external, one-sided anonymous ("blind") by specially engaged reviewers. The review provides for the presence of at least two reviewers, determined by the members of the editorial board. Scientific supervisors of applicants for an academic degree and employees of the departments in which the author works cannot be reviewers.
Internal review provides for expert evaluation according to the following mandatory criteria
- problem, clearly stated in the title of the article;
- compliance of the the article's title with its content;
- reflection of the degree of elaboration of the stated problem in the available scientific studies;
- formulation of goals and objectives of one's own research;
- grounding of the relevance of the chosen topic and the nature of the factual material of the concucted research;
- reasonableness of copyright provisions;
- relevance and sufficiency of the scientific apparatus;
- scientific novelty and practical significance of the achieved results;
- presence in the conclusions of the increment of the scientific knowledge in contrast to the actual array of knowledge on the issue.
Review term - from 3 to 20 working days from receipt of the article to the editor.
Upon receipt of a negative review, the editorial board reserves the right not to publish the article.
According to the results of scientific testing, the article can be sent to the author for revision. Repeated review of the revised material is carried out by the same reviewer or members of the editorial board. The decision on the publication of articles is made at the meeting of the editorial board.
The editorial board of the publication sends the authors of the submitted materials copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when the corresponding request is received by the editorial office of the publication.
The review originals are stored in the editorial office for at least 5 years from the date of publication of the article.