
The Development of the Armenology on Don: Results and Perspectives



Authors touch upon the emersion of the fi rst scientific studies of the Don Armenians history, the fi rst scientific materials, in which, along with the history of Don Cossacks, also the history of Crimean migrants is being considered, they mention the main Armenology conferences, held in Rostov-on-Don and also point out the basic perspectives for development of this branch of science.
Despite the fact that Armenians had been living on Don since the XVIII century, their history remained unexplored for a quite long time. The fi rst scientific work on history of Don Armenians was the work of G. Patkanyan, written in 1779. The majority of researches concerned with the Armenian studies on Don appeared in the late 80-s of the 20th century and early in the 21st century. Around the same time, several dissertations on the history of Don Armenians were defended. The organization of conferences on Armenian studies with participation of the main armenologists from different countries, contributed greatly to the studies of Don Armenians history. At the same time, Don Scientists also actively participate in the conferences on Armenian studies, held in different cities. The opening of the Armenian studies lab at the IPPU of SFU was of great importance for the development of studies. The creation of the specialized master programs and extension of Armenian studies specialization within the framework of Don local studies, appear to be the most perspective directions for the Armenian studies development.

K.E. Maz
study of local lore, Don Region, regional history, diaspora, Armenian study

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