On the 150th Anniversary of the End of the Caucasian War: History, Causes and Content
In 2014, the 150th anniversary of the end of the Caucasian War. Questions of its history, causes, nature, remain
controversial in Caucasian studies. The controversy on these issues between the various schools of thought world
politicized and affects the modern ethno-political process.
On the latest scientifi c conferences on the history and culture of the peoples of the Caucasus, there are calls
insistently scientists move from debate to a constructive dialogue.
In this vein, the authors expressed on a number of controversial issues of the Caucasian War of the 19th century.
They note that the problematic issues of historiography of the Caucasian War, raised by the magazine “Homeland” (1994)
and the magazine “Scientifi c thought Caucasus” (2007): defi nition, start and end dates, causes, scope and content, the
ratio of internal and external factors, and others remain unresolved.
The authors propose to consolidate the concept of “the Caucasian war” war between Russia and the Ottoman
Empire and Iran in the 18th – 19th centuries in the Caucasus. Since the end of the 16th to the end of the 18th centuries.
North Caucasus becomes subject of the Russian Empire, which was confi rmed by relevant international treaties. Rise
of the highlanders of the North Caucasus against forceful establishment of administrative and legal institutions of the
Russian Empire is regarded as an internal process, the nature of the national liberation movement. It is associated with
the beginning of 1818. The authors note the inadmissibility of the modern politicization of the most complex and tragic
period in the history of Russia.
controversial in Caucasian studies. The controversy on these issues between the various schools of thought world
politicized and affects the modern ethno-political process.
On the latest scientifi c conferences on the history and culture of the peoples of the Caucasus, there are calls
insistently scientists move from debate to a constructive dialogue.
In this vein, the authors expressed on a number of controversial issues of the Caucasian War of the 19th century.
They note that the problematic issues of historiography of the Caucasian War, raised by the magazine “Homeland” (1994)
and the magazine “Scientifi c thought Caucasus” (2007): defi nition, start and end dates, causes, scope and content, the
ratio of internal and external factors, and others remain unresolved.
The authors propose to consolidate the concept of “the Caucasian war” war between Russia and the Ottoman
Empire and Iran in the 18th – 19th centuries in the Caucasus. Since the end of the 16th to the end of the 18th centuries.
North Caucasus becomes subject of the Russian Empire, which was confi rmed by relevant international treaties. Rise
of the highlanders of the North Caucasus against forceful establishment of administrative and legal institutions of the
Russian Empire is regarded as an internal process, the nature of the national liberation movement. It is associated with
the beginning of 1818. The authors note the inadmissibility of the modern politicization of the most complex and tragic
period in the history of Russia.
Caucasian War of 19th century, The Russian Empire, the peoples of the North Caucasus, historiography, debate controversial issues