
The Specifi cs of the Revival of Russian Buddhology Studies in the Second Half of the 20th Century


Article is devoted to the highlights of the history of national Buddhist studies second half of 20th century.
Analyzed the scientifi c work of domestic scientists of this period in the context of reconstruction stages of formation of
the domestic industry as a Buddhist studies, Oriental studies. The principal investigators of the Russian Buddhist studies
second half of 20th century. In Russia, Buddhist studies has come a long way. The heyday of the national Buddhist studies
falls at the end of the 19th century, the time of Oriental did not last long, but it is domestic Buddhism of this period is
of world signifi cance, so this is the period of the most covered in the scientifi c literature of contemporary researchers.
A later stage in the history of Russian Buddhist studies second half of the 20th century, remains little studied.
Relevance of the chosen topic due to the main factors. Firstly, the religious revival of traditional values has
stimulated renewed interest as Buddhism and Buddhist studies. Increasing number of publications on the problems
Buddhism. Very little research on the Russian Buddhist studies second half of 20th century. Second, the holding in
comparative studies between the western and eastern philosophy fi nds a small knowledge of Russian Buddhism. Revival
of Buddhism in Russia is directly dependent on the revival of Buddhism. This fact makes the domestic school of Buddhist
unique. The historic section of the specifi cs of the recovery of the domestic Buddhist studies second half of the 20th
century, refl ects not only the features of the revival of interest in Buddhism, but in general, the specifi city of the revival
of religious spirituality in Russia.
the Buddhist studies, Buddhist, the Oriental studies, philosophy

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