
The Personosphere of University: Functions and Cultivation

(Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don)

(Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don)

Purpose: The images of persons are important in social life of each communities, particularly in university ones. So the aim of the article is to describe main functions of a peronosphere in university community and elaborate the approaches for building and cultivation a personosphere.
Methods: We describe a personosphere in terms of semantic network and frame analyses. We use also a comparative method.
Results: The results of research may be divided in two parts. The fi rst deals with the problems, which a personosphere faces in its real functioning: lacunas and “empty” (non relevant) presentation of a person in paper and electronic sources. The second group of the conclusions is the proposals of an optimization the presentation of a person in media space. The presentation of somebody by showing him making a choice considered as relevant.
personosphere, semantic network, image, frame, community

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