From History of Trade-Economic Relationships of Caucasus Nations (from the Second Half of 1st BC to the Begin of 1st AD)
Some questions trade-economic relationships Caucasus nations from the Second Half of 1st BC to the Begin of 1st AD are considered. The author used works of the different scientists generalizing work separate nations, state and possessions, compositions Greek-Roman authors, as well as archeological material. In the fi rst part of article is spoken about presence of the conditions for development of the many-sided relationships between different possessions Caucasus, about production product, subject to trade. Here happens to the material about metalworking, metallurgy, ceramic production, ткачестве, jewelry deal, production glass. In the second – in detail studied trade ways local and international importance, on which were realized relationship of the inhabitants Caucasus between itself and with the other region. Material is stated in the third part about shopping centers, is revealled their role in economic relationship of the
Caucasus population.
Caucasus population.
Caucasus, trade, economic relationship, city, country, state, trade ways, shopping centers, subjects to trade, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Derbent, Mcheta, Dioskuriada, Dagestan, Armenia, load, embark, stevedore, Caucasian Albania, North Caucasus