
Use of Organic Sorption Materialsfor Recultivation of the Petropolluted Soils

Purpose: Application of a wastage from a hairstyle of sheep and a glinogips as sorption material for improvement of a condition of the petropolluted soils.
Methods: For studying of properties of sorption materials, we made a fi eld experiment. We use chemical analyses for establishment of properties of soils.
Results: The study established that the sorbent shows good sorption properties, reducing the content of oil products from 1 to 2 times. As a result, the exemplars of soils subjected to recultivation did not undergo jump of chemical properties at pollution by oil, unlike soils without addition of a sorbent. Moreover, the sorbent has positive impact and on biological parameters of soils, the number of the sprouted plants so increases, and enzymatic indexes of soils improve.
Discussion: Consequently, cleaning of the petropolluted soils with a sorbent, provides high extent of restitution of the degraded soils that favorably infl uences body height and development of the plants growing on these soils. Use of various sorbents provides the highest level of cleaning soils.
oil pollution, wool, organic sorbent, fi eld experiment, recultivation, Republic of Kalmykia

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