
Factors Development of Interethnic Relations in the Rostov Region (on the example of youth groups)


The author considers relevant for the modern Russian society problem – the spread of nationalism in the Rostov region. The purpose of this article – the establishment of basic trends in the proliferation of nationalist sentiment in the Rostov region. Objectives of the study – to identify the factors of determination of nationalism in the Rostov region, the analysis of the ideology and activities of the new nationalist organizations and communities, determine the degree of spread of nationalist sentiment in the Rostov region. The author draws as a source base resources themselves nationalist organizations, allowing a more adequate understanding of their activities.
The author draws attention to the importance of the problem of nationalism for the Rostov region. Highlights the economic, socio-cultural, domestic, criminal, social and demographic factors spread of nationalism. An important role in the spread of nationalist sentiments among young people play new nationalist organizations.
DOI 10.18522/2072-0181-2015-95-100
Among them is the author considers the organization “New Russia”, “restructuring is”, “Russian way”. The author concludes that largely spread of nationalist sentiments among the youth of the Rostov region, exacerbated by the propaganda of nationalist organizations concerned.
nationalism, nationalist sentiment, xenophobia, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, network community

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