About the History of the Mass Typed Publishing Houses: The Publishing Corporation “Ogonek” (1926–1931)
The article is devoted to the activity the Publishing Corporation “Ogonek”, established in 1926 for the development of the publishing in the country, the distribution and the supply of the periodicals to the state officials, the organization of the advertisement. The Publishing Corporation produced a mass periodicals and specialized magazines: “Ogonek”, “Biblioteka Ogon’ka”, “Chudak”, “Sovetskoe foto”, “Za rulem”, “Izobretatel’”, “Zhurnalist”; the periodical for the women women – “Zhenskiy zhurnal” and its annexes “Biblioteka ‘Zhenskogo zhurnala”, “Detskiy ugolok”, “Nasha kuhnya”, “Zdorov’e zhenshhiny”, “Shit’e na domu (Sets of Patterns)”; so the monthly childrens magazine “Drug detey” and its annexe “Detskie pervomayskie scenarii”. The famous journalist and columnist M.E. Koltsov was the Chairman of the Publishing Corporation. At 1931, the Publishing Corporation was reorganized into the State Periodical Association “Zhurgaz”. This reorganization was completed the extensiveness of publishing activities of the Publishing Corporation “Ogonek”. By that time, the Publishing Corporation had been became the mass typed periodical publishing. There were about 30 mass magazines and newspapers of major cultural, literary, technical and other public associations and societies of the USSR in the Soviet Publishing system. The main objective of these periodicals as elements of the Publishing Corporation “Ogonek” was the propaganda of the new Soviet system and the Communist ideology.
the Publishing Corporation “Ogonek”, the magazine “Ogonek”, M.E. Koltsov, the periodicals association