
Phytocenotic Confi nement of Tulipa Bifl ora in State Nature Biosphere Reserve “Black Earth”


DOI 10.18522/2072-0181-2015-84-4-115-119
In the conditions of Kalmykia two-fl oral tulip – Tulipa bifl ora Pall., along with other species of tulips, is among
those recommended for protection. The article provides data on fl oristic composition of bulb-poaceae artemisia (Artemisia
lercheana – Poa bulbosa) and ephemeral-bulb-poaceae artemisia (Artemisia – Poa bulbosa – Ephemerosa) communities,
in which Tulipa bifl ora grows within the national natural biospheric park “Black Lands”. Researches were conducted
during the vegetative periods of 2013–2015 by the standard geobotanical techniques. Jaccard and Serensen-Chekanovsky
similarity coeffi cients we applied for the comparative analysis of specifi c similarity of the studied communities.
It is revealed that the active period of vegetation of Tulipa bifl ora falls on the most favourable time with regard
to moisture, temperature and lighting – about two weeks in the fi rst half of April, which allows the species to avoid
competition with other members of the phytocenosis, including dominants and edifi cators of the upper community folia.
In the spring time in the community in diff erent years of the study there is a signifi cant proportion of plant
species from among ephemera (Alyssum desertorum, Erophila verna, Holosteum glutinosum etc.) and ephemeroids (Poa
bulbosa, Carex stenophylla etc.). It was revealed that dynamics of the number of species and total plant cover in the
studied communities were correlated with climatic conditions of the year, especially with rainfall.
Jaccard (Kj) and Serensen-Chekanovsky similarity coeffi cients (Ksc), when comparing the studied communities,
were equal to 0.48 and 0.65, respectively, indicating the absence of substantial similarity in their species composition
Two-fl ower tulip, nature reserve, plant association, fl oristic composition, quotient of similarity

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