
M.I. Bilalov

(Daghestan State University)

Postmodernist cognitive culture radically reviewed all the basic global values of the society including rationalism, truth and philosophy, having a great importance for modern science and culture. Systematic way for revealing rationalism in the sphere of aims employs such ideals as unanimity, wealth, freedom, beauty, value and so on, which are in fact connected with conscience, thinking, truth and philosophy. Being the most integrative component of cognitive culture, rationalism in its variants admits a great variety of types, forms or kinds of cognitive culture. Changes that had taken place with the interpretation of the truth in the 20th century as a result of transfer from strict classic rationalism to non-classic and postnon-classic, quite a new valuing rationalism, admitting all the previous ratios, tend to go on to unlimited, open rationalism. The truth, as a result of these changes, reveals its new aspects and goes on existing in science and culture.
Modern philosophy of the truth admits together with strict classic conceptions of the truth, its non-classic images claiming for pluralizaton, relativization and subjectivization of the truth as most effective, thus admitting the opportunity
to exchange the truth for such a value as a meaning. The author of this article considers the methodology of polylogue of cognitive structures as one of the variants of such truth. The philosophy of the truth as polylogue of cognitive structures is directed against statements about the “end of the truth” and gives it a new and vivid impulse, as well as keeps safe from the opinion of the postmodernists concerning substantionalism of traditional philosophy till the conclusion about
“the end of philosophy”. But there is no revolution without a crisis, and as the history of philosophy and culture shows, reviewing in time reveals their deepest secrets.
postmodernism, the truth, cognitive culture, rationalism, cognition, willing production, deconstruction

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