
The Interaction of Consignment, Soviet and Economic Organizations of North Caucasus Region on the Edge 1920–1930s: Basic Trends and Controversies

(Southern Federal University)

The article contains the overview of Soviet leaders’ regional politics strategy in late 1920s – early 1930s at the stage Stalin’s political model creation. The key decisions are listed of both high and regional authorities in the areas of administrative and organizational changes for state, party and society structures. Main issues and flaws are outlined for the mechanism of power in industrialization and collectivization environment, ways and means of high and regional authorities to overcome them. The conclusion is drawn about lack of solid strategy for administrative power organization at regional and local levels both in vertical and horizontal perspectives. In the absence of a single pre-thought-out set of measures to control the formation of the system of organization in the fi eld, most of the decisions of higher and regional leadership of the CPSU (b) was of situational largely, and sometimes contradictory. Such decisions can not fundamentally solve the problem of the organization of an effective mechanism of political power during the transition to a “big breakthrough” policy in the long term. However, clearly a trend towards strengthening the organization hierarchy industry management officials and agriculture. At the same time she was accompanied by a few сontroversial, in these circumstances, determining the direction of centralization and planning functions in the higher institutions, with a simultaneous decentralization of operational responsibilities in the region. Thus, freeing the central administration from excessive loads and small private matters, such a course has been designed to improve the performance and efficiency of the direct administrative and economic authorities in the field.
regional and local authorities, “big rupture”, North Caucasian regional committee

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