
Patriotism as the Basic Structure of Mental Matrix of Social Behavior in Russian Society

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

The article considers patriotism in the structure of mental matrix as the cognitive program of social behavior in the society. The authors claim that individuals or social groups in a particular social situation, react and choose the particular model of social behavior according to their mental matrix. The article analyses the concept of civic nation, indifferent to ethnic, linguistic, cultural content; rational choice theory and neoinstitutional approach to the study of patriotism. Some characteristic features of patriotism in Russia are defi ned. Moreover, based on the empirical data not only the understanding of patriotism among Russian citizens is shown, but also the lack of civicism in patriotism today that results in defi cit of lower subjectivity in the society.
Purpose: The article considers patriotism in the structure of mental matrix as the cognitive program of social behavior in the society. The authors claim that individuals or social groups in a particular social situation, react and choose the particular model of social behavior according to their mental matrix.
Methods: The study of patriotism within the framework of interdisciplinary research helps to understand the features of social and communicative practices in contemporary Russian society better.
Results: The article analyses the concept of civic nation, indifferent to ethnic, linguistic, cultural content; rational choice theory and neoinstitutional approach to the study of patriotism. Some characteristic features of patriotism in Russia are defined. For example, the setting “be like everyone else”; the willingness always to support the state power in the “restoring the order”. Moreover, based on the empirical data not only the understanding of patriotism among Russian citizens is shown, but also the lack of civicism in patriotism today that results in defi cit of lower subjectivity in the society.
Discussion: The model of social behavior is a cognitive analogue of practices of individual or collective social
behavior, determined by the mental program. The unconscious structures of mental program determine the normative
model of collective behavior, which depends on common cultural values and norms, and unconscious structures shape
the choice of modal models of individual behavior, statistically the most widespread in the society. These aspects of
patriotism in Russia need further sociological investigation.
patriotism, social behaviour, mental matrix, model of social behaviour

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