
Love as a Panhuman Value and Need for Communication

(Daghestan State Medical University)

The article deals with such human feeling as love, considering it to be the most important expression of human spirituality. This topical interest is on the one hand due to the wide-spread of apathy, wickedness, hatred, violence in today’s society and on the other hand due to hedonistic and selfish aspires. The wide-spread in misunderstanding of the essence of love, distortion of its spirituality and humanity are under consideration. Meanwhile the problem is directly connected with the spiritual and physical health of the young people, the comprehension of love by the young generation is correlated by their psychological and physical and age peculiarities. The universal character of love, a great variety of its forms and the feelings, experienced by each particular individual are pointed out. Presented are various defi nitions of the subject under study which is being infl uenced by the dominant mentality of the day. It is stated that while trying to comprehend the essence of love one should avoid the monistic or dualistic approach but stick to the physical (body) and spiritual interrelation. All the above-mentioned suggestions draw to the following conclusion: love as an entity definition of a human being is connected with such principle as the need for communication. Moreover the love contributes greatly to the higher level of communication, making it selfl ess, pure and self-denying. Thus, the true love, even if it has remained unanswered, spiritualize a human being, reveals in him generosity, selfl essness, co-partnership, fellowship and emphathy.
love, panhuman value, communication, hedonistic, sexual feeling

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