
Gender Factor in Pedagogics: Communicative Foreshortening

(Kabardino-Balkarian State University)

The modern concept of democracy recognizes that without achievement of gender equality creation of completely democratic society is impossible. Only the education and education based on sexual equality is capable to create egalitarian
consciousness at future citizens. Such qualities as tolerance, critical thinking, independence are necessary for open democratic society. In this general context inequality of access to education by the gender principle has to be overcome. However there is other problem – a problem of gender education. Without gender education we won’t be able to bring up in our pupils of democratism as we won’t be able to create at them the harmonious gender relations. The gender pedagogics creates other view of the world, of the relations with other people, with representatives of other floor that leads to serious changes in outlook, to formation of more active civic stand, eventually – to change of public consciousness.
However, now in our country rather active process of integration of gender courses into system of the higher education is observed. However on average school education their teaching is still a big rarity. In the West gender education and education begin with kindergarten and school. And it isn’t casual as only the education focused on sexual equality is capable to create egalitarian consciousness at younger generation.
gender, gender pedagogy, Linguistics, linguistic genderologija, essentialism, biodeterminizm, kommuniktivistika

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