
The Professional Personality’s Subjectivity in the Frames of Systematic Analysis

(Don Pedagogical College)

Personal self-expression in professional activity, relying on motivational-need sphere, gives rise to a perception situation of multidimensional educational changes in real and projective socio-cultural environment as a certain entirety. Otherwise, there appears a destructive variety perception and inability to retain the integrity of the educational transformations scope.
The manifestations character of the integrity of the educator’s personality as of a subject is due, on the one hand, – to the personal achievement of the highest level of development, and on the other, – the advancement toward the heights of the professional results. Socio-cultural aspect of understanding the professional’s personality in the field of education as a subject has the quality of integrity: here in the natural transformation of personality both individual and professional are combined.
This mark of personality understanding as of a subject in relation to his professional fi eld creates a space of self-expression, where its main constituents are personality’s activity, attitude formation and, as a consequence, its consolidation in the experience.
The such like triad points at the social nature of the subjectivity. A person is both a condition of the social being and a condition for manifestation of the creative nature of his activity. Through exercising creativity, the person, realizing his mission, creates himself as an integrity. The manifestation of personality’s entity in his profession lies in objective-practical activity.
The features of personality’s entity expression in profession are as follows: goal-setting, relationship formation, consciousness of activity, optimality of self-development. The result of personality’s self-expression as of a subject in profession is a message of one own self through dialogue and on this basis – the attitude formation as a refl ection of a self-organizational level.
self-development of the personality as a subject, principal and substantial points of professional subjectivity formation and development, triad of the subjective personality`s expression, subjectivity manifestation, professional self- expression

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