
The Propaganda Image of the Fuhrer in the Perception of the German Society (1933–1945)

(Southern University (IUBiP))

The article is devoted to the analysis of the forming of the Adolf Hitler’s charismatic leader image by the Nazi propaganda. The main periods of conceptual taking shape and of practical realization of the Fuhrer’s idea are examining in the article. These are: the period of the National Socialist Movement, or the years of the Weimar Republic; the period of the 1933–1939 – the years when this idea have got solid legislative foundation and the support of the overwhelming majority of the Reich’s German population; the Second World War period.
It was demonstrated by the author that at the fi rst stage of the National Socialist Movement the Fuhrer’s cult was formed as phenomenon which took place within the National Socialist Party. Then, after Hitler became a chancellor on the 30 January 1933, the previous image was transformed into the image of the whole nation leader which was the main arbiter not only in all questions of international and domestic policy. Many Germans found it possible to ask the Fuhrer for helping them in their family problems.
The Führer’s cult played a key part in the Nazi dictatorship system being the most signifi cant integrative factor.
The main channels of Hitler’s bringing personal influence on the masses were his trips around the country, his speeches at mass meetings and broadcasting of his speeches over the radio. The postal channel also played signifi cant part here.
The people of different age, sex and social origin were among Hitler’s correspondents. Hitler considered the possibility of writing to him as the significant prerogative of every racially pure German.
In spite of the defeat of Hitler’s Germany in the Second World War, the totalitarian idea is alive today and under suitable circumstances may become a real threat for different regions and for the whole Planet as well. Under globalization process this problem may become global itself.
Führer, propaganda, totalitarian idea, ideology, charismatic leader, personality cult, the Third Reich, mass media, nation, Nazism

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