
(Southern Federal University)

Currently, cognitive activity is being studied in cognitive and epistemological studies. The problem of interaction between cognitive science and philosophy remains a topical issue. Modern cognitive research is interdisciplinary in nature and considers various aspects of the cognitive activity. Philosophical research is focused on the study of cognition as an integral phenomenon.
Philosophy traditionally deals with the study of cognitive activity and meets with cognitive science in many areas: logic, language philosophy, the philosophy of consciousness, the philosophy of cognition. In this context, the issue of the conceptual unity of cognitive science becomes urgent. Integration of subject areas of cognitive science into an integral body of knowledge implies the
analysis of cognitive activity as an integral system. The study of cognitive activity requires focusing on the following major issues: handling of information, the possibility of expression of meanings by language means, artificial modeling of cognitive processes.
The foundations of the philosophical conceptualization of cognitive science are considered in the works of the Academician V.A. Lectorsky. The analysis of transformations that are carried out in modern epistemological studies is of particular importance. A dynamic approach to the study of cognitive processes correlates with the philosophical concepts. Epistemology relies on the findings
of cognitive science in the study of cognitive activity. Cognitive science can use conceptual models of philosophy.
The analysis of the main conclusions of cognitive science on the problems of cognition, as well as the theoretical and methodological foundations of the conceptualization of cognitive research, presented in the philosophical tradition, has been carried out.
Philosophy allows for a holistic view of cognitive activity. Philosophical research reveals the conceptual foundations of cognitive science and defines a 'heuristic horizon' in the study of cognition. The interaction of philosophy and cognitive science contributes to the expansion of the problematic field of both philosophical and cognitive research.
epistemological turn, philosophy, cognitive science, interdisciplinarity research, cognition

Epistemologicheskij povorot kak uslovie filosofskoj kontseptualizatsii kognitivnoj nauki k 85 letiyu akademika v a lektorskogo

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