
To the Question on the Activities of Organs of Party Control in the 1920–1930s (on Materials of the North Caucasus)

(Stavropol State Agrarian University)

Currently, one of the actual directions in modern domestic historical science is the activity and functioning of party control in the Soviet state. As it is party-state control directly contributed to the enhancement and domination of the Soviet political system over any dissent, strengthened the position of the state and party nomenclature. The formation of the Soviet political system on the territory of the North Caucasus was directly connected with process of formation and activity of organs of party control. The society in the first years of Soviet power experienced serious transformation and social crises. The position of the ruling party imposes
high demands on the members of the RCP (b). Of particular relevance acquired the issue of party discipline. Party discipline was a responsibility of all without exception of party members and party organizations, the ruling party centers must be performed quickly and accurately. Breach of regulations entails various penalties, all offences should be considered by the committees and General
meetings according to the established instances. The control Commission not only carried out the cleaning personnel of the party organization, but also carried out the analysis of the conditions and content of their work to the restoration and strengthening of party organizations. But at the same time the Commission gave recommendations on ways of improving the activities of the party and Soviet leadership of the region The North Caucasus region was part of the Soviet Republic. All the processes taking place in the state is reflected, and in a multicultural region of the North Caucasus. Policy of the Central government in the field of party
control in the region during the study period were able to solve the problem, the formation of Communist morality, the unity of the party ranks and raising the profile of the ruling party among the indigenous peoples of the region. Party control of the Soviet and party apparatus in the North Caucasus contributed to the formation of national managerial personnel in party and Soviet work. The
party-state nomenklatura's monopoly on power in all spheres of public activities, relying on a powerful state system. Organs of party control ensured reliable functioning of the party – state system.
North Caucasus, party control, party nomenclature, management apparatus, control Commission

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