
On the Possible Classification of Modern Approaches to the Problem of the Typology of the Mission of Universities

(Southern Federal University)

The article analyzes the main concepts that have developed in modern science in determining the mission of the university.
A classification of positions was proposed, within which the mission of the university was subjected to the most effective study. The classification is based on the selection of criteria through which additional systematization of approaches to the study of the university’s mission was based.
From the perspective of the purpose of knowledge transfer, the mission of the university can be defined as utilitarian or universalist.
On readiness for internal reforms and transformations, the mission defines the university as:
a) the subject of economic relations, flexibly reacting to market requests, freely changing educational programs and organizational structure, depending on changes in market conditions;
b) part of the process of sharing cultural achievements, which is inherently traditional and based on basic values, and therefore conservative in terms of content (training programs) and forms (organizational structure).
According to the type of management the mission designs universities on:
a) independent corporations, for their own account on the basis of independent sources of income;
b) organizations run by technocrat bureaucrats;
c) financed competition rights, private university communities that enjoy a certain degree of managerial autonomy.
By the nature of the knowledge transferred, the mission determines the priority of empirical sciences or fundamental sciences.
According to the classification of transmitted knowledge, the mission orientates the university on:
a) the priority of the volume of humanitarian knowledge that contributes to the student's personal development;
b) the importance of scientific and technical knowledge associated with the needs of the development of society.
Based on the number of students, the mission divides university education into elite or egalitarian. According to the experience of transfer of knowledge, the mission of the university stipulates:
a) the production of innovative knowledge, developed, inter alia, in the cooperation of teachers and students;
b) translation of well-known knowledge with achievement of a certain level of education.
university, university mission, higher education

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