
"Pirates of the Aegean Sea" in the Concept of the Origin of the Philosophy of M.K. Petrov

(Southern Federal University)

Purpose: To consider the hypothesis of M.K. Petrov on the "Aegean catastrophe" and the role of "pirate culture" in connection
with the problem of the origin of philosophy. Make an analysis of the historiographic situation and determine the significance
of the works of M.K. Petrov "Problems of determinism in ancient Greek philosophy of the classical period" (1959) and "Ancient
culture" (1966) on this issue.
Methods: In accordance with the task set, the author investigates the historiographic situation, the problem of the hypothesis
about pirates in the work of M.K. Petrov, which developed after his death. The problem of the origin of philosophy was considered
by M.K. Petrov at the beginning of his philosophical work. During his postgraduate studies he wrote a thesis on "Problems of determinism
in ancient Greek philosophy of the classical period" (1959). In the second half of the 60's of the 20th century M.K. Petrov
wrote his second thesis on science. At the same time he wrote the work "Ancient Culture" (1966). Modern authors, namely Neretina
S.S. in 2010 and V.P. Makarenko in 2014, declared that the idea of pirates existed back in 1959 and early 60's. In 2010, Yerygin
A.N. criticized the issue. He claimed that in 1959 M.K. Petrov solved other questions. In 2015, the work "Problems of determinism
in ancient Greek philosophy of the classical period" was published, the author made an analysis of the texts and checked the made
Result: The analysis of the texts showed that in the work of M.K. Petrova "Problems of determinism in the ancient Greek
philosophy of the classical period" (1959) considers the model of the genesis of philosophy, but the idea of pirates is missing. The
hypothesis of the pirate origin of philosophy appears only in the work of 1966, "Ancient Culture."
philosophy, the genesis of philosophy, pirates, "man-state", M.K. Petrov

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