
Problems of Employment and Unemployment in the Republic of Armenia in 1991–2003

(Yerevan State University)

The social structure of Armenia during the last millennium has undergone radical changes for the third time. On the historically new period the problems of being busy and unemployment due to market relationship in Armenia are introduced in
this article. These problems are the main factor of society from the point of view of consciousness. The level of being busy in Armenia has gone down all the time since 1991 and the increase in number of being busy was registered only in 2002. The number of being busy and unemployment are regularly registered. They become apparent distinctively in Armenia.The problem of being busy today is still one of the first and foremost economical and social problem of the republic. The significant part of population in Armenia has the problem of being busy as the working market is overfull.Unemployment also carries prolonged essence. The
social unemployment group as a social structure is going on to exist and has mass character. Duration of the problem is deepen by the perplexed number of emigration.
Armenia, employment, unemployment dynamics, poverty, emigration, social structure, poverty, labor market, vacancies, legal regulation.

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