
The State Family Policy of Russian Federation (Axiological Aspect)

(Taurida Academy of the Crimean Federal University named by V.I. Vernadsky)

The article is devoted to the problem of modern state family policy of Russian Federation. It is argued that outfamilial value orientations are more common than familial. In this regard, the main tasks of the state should be the formation of public and individual consciousness of the needs in family, marriage, parenthood and the creation of adequate economic and social conditions for the realization of this need. Analysis of the main instruments adopted in the framework of the state family policy, has shown that it is part of social policy and focused mainly on material support to certain categories of families. It is noted that some laws are in
contradiction with the proclaimed axiological foundations of the strategy of family policy. In this regard, the author emphasizes the importance of increase of role of family, family values and valu
family, society, family policy, values, value orientations

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