
The Party's Education as an Element of Formation of National Party- State Nomenclature in the 1920–1930s (on Materials of the North Caucasus)

(Stavropol State Agrarian University)

(Stavropol State Agrarian University)

One of the important directions in the country's history is the question of the formation of the regional nomenklatura managers in the period of formation and strengthening of the Soviet political system in the 1920s-1930s, One of the main tools of creating a layer of managers was the party's education, as ideological component of education contributed to the qualitative improvement of the personnel's dominant political force, the party raising the awareness of members of the RCP (b). In the period of transition from the policy of "military communism" to new economic policy, the party and state administrative apparatus had serious staff shortages.
With the change of domestic policy, the problem of selection of the governing layer of party and state managers had to differ from the time of recruitment of managerial leaders in the era of "war communism", where the main criterion was membership in the ranks of the Bolshevik party and devotion to the ideals of communism. In the NEP period to the fore already and the professional
component of a candidate for a leadership position. Population growth in the dominant political force in the state, the establishment of the Soviet political system, the formation of provincial, County and township party committees, demanded the strengthening of party work, the increase in the composition of party bodies, depositing them with the Communists ideologically educated workers
and peasants. The main task of the Bolshevik party was involvement in the organs of the party and Soviet administration of national minorities, especially in the multinational regions. The implementation of this policy in the North Caucasus was impossible to realize without solving the difficult problem of eradicating illiteracy in the region. Without a solution to this question formed the Bolshevik ideology among representatives of the local society cannot achieve political activities of the local population. Therefore, the policy of raising the educational level among the local population was one of the priorities of the internal policy of national-state
construction on Northern Caucasus. The establishment of the system of party education in the national regions was one of the defining conditions of implementation of the course on the layer organization of the national nomenclature of personnel management.
The North Caucasus region was part of the Soviet Republic. All the processes taking place in the state is reflected, and in a multicultural region of the North Caucasus. The party's education contributed to the formation of national managerial personnel in party and Soviet work. The ruling party carried out the systematic and purposeful training to all sections and units of both public and party work. Party and ideological education was one of the priority directions in the system of formation of regional and national item managers.
North Caucasus, party education, and party nomenclature, a management apparatus, the Soviet political system

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