
Precedent Texts of Culture in the Audiovisual Environment of the Russian City

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

The article is devoted to the justification of the necessity to identify precedent texts of culture present in the audiovisual environment of the modern Russian city. There was identified the heuristic value of the cross-modal approach to the study of the
modern audiovisual environment of the city, which is understood as the unity of the subject-spatial environment and the sound landscape of the city. The subject and sound landscape of the city is filled not only with objects and sound waves, but also with meaning. The basic meanings of culture are "crystallized" in the precedent texts, which broadcast in a concentrated form the system of values that determines the life activity of a community. Therefore, the audiovisual environment of the city, along with other functions, serves as a representation of the values and meanings of various subjects of urban culture. The cross-modal method allows to fix semantic representations of culture in unity with visual and sound images generated by the perception of the urban environment.
The empirical basis of the study was a questionnaire survey of 165 citizens conducted in February-March, 2018 in Rostov-on-Don. It was important to determine the interaction of the auditory and visual dimensions of the city with the meanings of the Russian culture. As a result, there was recorded the contradictory nature of the axiological world picture presented in the audiovisual environment of the city.
audiovisual environment of the city, precedent texts of culture, cross-modal approach, Russian city

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