
The Concept of a "Tree" of the by Lyrics Kh.Kh. Kazharov

(Kabardino-Balkarian State University named by Kh.M. Berbekov)

We consider the concept of "the tree" in the lyric of kabardian poet Kh.Kh. Kazharov. In adyghe culture this concept has a big importance since the time of heathendom. In many cultures exact the tree is the center of the world. A.P. Keshokov, A.A. ShogentsukovI, R.H. Atskanov consider in their lyric the concept of "the tree". In Kozharov's artistic picture of the world the concept of "the tree" plays an important role. With the help of the concept poet opens emotional experience his lyric hero, goes with it through all the live. Concept «tree» as concepts «sun», «sky», «mountains», «river» belongs to the group of natural concepts. We can meet
this concept in all languages and cultures of the world: the tree of life, the world tree, the tree of the universe, however, despite its universality, mentality and national identity impose their own image on this concept. The image of the tree went in the poetry of the Kabardians from the Nart epic, praising the nature of the native land. Adygs had sacred trees to which they sacrificed. Before the campaign the adygs performed a circular dance around the sacred tree, asked for protection then organized a feast. Returning they also came to the holy place. Cows, rams were sacrificed, swords, chain mail, helmets after colorful rags were hung on the tree. The offerings were accompanied by requests to the deities for good luck before the spring campaigns.
concept; the tree; the picture of the world

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