
The Policy of the Britain Civil Government in Palestine in the Conditions of the Origination of Arab and Europeans' Conflict (1920–1922)

(Don State Technical University)

The article discusses the policy of the British civil administration in Palestine in early 1920. The author analyzes the activities of the British authorities in the context of the growing Arab-Jewish conflict. Sir Herbert Samuel was the head of the British Administration in 1920–1925. He tried to implement the Balfour Declaration. He helped to create a Jewish national home, but not to the detriment of the local population. He had to act in a situation of growing conflict between the Arab and Jewish communities of Palestine. The reasons for the conflict were the rise of Jewish immigration and the socio-economic contradictions between the
two communities.
The policy of the civil authorities was not effective and could not prevent the disturbances in Jaffa in May 1921. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the civil administration is unable to effectively resist the conflict between Zionist Jews and Arab nationalists.
Palestine, Britain mandate, sir Herbert Samuel, Arab-Israeli conflict

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