
Grishaka Korshunov as a Holder of Traditional Cossack Orthodox Values According to the Novel of M.A. Sholokhov «and Quiet Flows the Don» (the Linguistic Aspect)

(Southern Federal University)

The article attempts to research from a linguistic perspective the image of Grishaka Korshunov as a certain archetype of traditional Orthodox values along with those specific for the Orthodox Cossacks (defense of the Orthodox faith, Motherland, serving the tsar). Markers that indicate the presence or absence of these values, are the words and phrases, characterizing Grishaka in the author's narrative, the character’s speech and the responses of other heroes. In the worldview of other Cossacks (including the Korshunov family and beyond) the author highlights the rejection of the faith or, at least, a disregard. It is seen in the direct characteristics
of the Cossacks’ behavior by Grishaka himself and in the way they treat his actions. The wholeness of Grishaka’s nature and the remained existence of the Cossack Orthodox worldview in his mentality is demonstrated through the consonance of the author's descriptions of the character and his own self-esteem. The changes in the axiological landmarks of the Cossacks of other generations are depicted through the dissonance between the author's characteristic of Grishaka and those assessments given to him by other characters.
the Cossacks, traditional Orthodox values, Sholokhov, “And Quiet Flows The Don”, Grishaka Korshunov, character’s speech, author's narrative

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