
On the Relationship of Ethnic and Religious Values (for Example, the Culture of the Peoples of Dagestan)

(Dagestan State Medical University)

(Dagestan State Medical University)

The object of the article is ethnic and religious values, their development at the present stage in the example of the culture of the peoples of Dagestan. The ethnic component, the empirical material of ethnic in the majority is historically older than religious values, more stable and organically inherent in peoples and nationalities, which, however, does not mean its dominance in the culture of the people. Such contradictory historicism is characteristic of all ethnic groups and at all times. Ethnic and religious values are the most stable in the search for deep foundations of self-identification of historical communities. Ethnic not only precedes religious in principle, but it is also conservative and constant, in it, though slowly, are maturing changes, which stimulates, as a religious system of values of regional ethnic groups. It is well known that the social revolutions of Modern times under the slogans of secularism, rationalism and individualism came anti-revolution of the twentieth century, calling for the revival of religion, national culture and collectivism. The revival of ethnic,national and religious values was very controversial. Islam in Dagestan and throughout the North Caucasus has its own geographical and mental specificity – the so-called traditional North Caucasian Islam appears as Sufism. This imposes its own specifics on the religious system of values of regional ethnic groups.
spiritual values, rationalism, ethnos, culture of the people, religion, worldview, social-consciousness, altruism, Sufism, moral principles, regional culture, moral guidelines

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