
Semantic Parameter of Amelioration/Pejoration as an Emotional and Evaluative Basis for Functioning of Ethnic Stereotypes in the English Linguistic Consciousness

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

The article consistently examines the emotional and evaluative aspect of the semantic structure of ethnic stereotypes in the English language from the synchronic and diachronic perspectives. One of the most important components of ethnic stereotypes is their emotional colouring reflecting the speaker’s attitude towards the utterance. It fluctuates between the two poles: positive, i.e. ameliorative, and negative, i.e. pejorative. The authors briefly analyze those language means providing the parametrical dichotomy “amelioration/pejoration” manifested in verbal ethnic stereotypes. A variety of means of coining ethnic slurs in combination with word-building, grammatical and phonetic devices illustrate the fact that emotive evaluation is most vividly manifested on the lexical level. Besides, shown is the influence produced by amelioration and pejoration upon the status of the ethnic group within the national linguistic consciousness. The article also deals with the dynamic changes ethnic stereotypes undergo over time and within different social contexts, which indicates the complex interconnection between ethnic ideology, politics and usage of derogatory names for certain ethnic groups. The findings of the article contribute to revealing insights into the idiosyncratic microcosm of relationships between various ethnic groups in the English-speaking world.
ethnic stereotype, national linguistic consciousness, amelioration, pejo-ration, emotionality, evaluativity, semantic component of the utterance

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