
The Scientist and His Readers: a Dialogue on Equal Ground. On Yury Zhdanov’s Manner of Speaking

(Southern Federal University)

The article gives a study on the speech style of Yury A. Zhdanov, an outstanding Russian scientist – a philosopher and a chemist. It is claimed that in his written works, both research and literary, Yury Zhdanov always pays due regard to the potential of the addressee and the communicative situation. At the same time he tries to make the reader feel intellectually equal with the author – in his academic works he avoids an overload of terms, actively uses functional and expressive stylistic stratification of lexical and phraseological means and devices, employs metaphorization, wields case phenomena, turns to various oratory techniques
to keep the addressee’s attention and plant an idea about the value of the subject in their minds. The important means to accentuate text components are indicating contradictions and paradox.
Yury Zhdanov, speech style, encyclopedism, addresser, addressee, intellectual equality

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