
Russian-Chinese International Trade and Economic Cooperation

(Kalmyk State University named by B.B. Gorodovikov)

(Kalmyk State University named by B.B. Gorodovikov)

(Kalmyk State University named by B.B. Gorodovikov)

Purpose: Russian-Chinese international relations have a long history of elevations and depressions, but nowadays they are at their highest point. However, political relations need to be supported by economic cooperation. This article devoted to analysis of Russian-Chinese trade interactions.
Methods: The key research method is analysis of Russian-Chinese international trade dynamics. The growing China economy gradually changes the country’s GDP structure which lead to the growth of population wealth. All this left trace on international relations.
Results: The research shows that Russian-Chinese trade has very balanced positive net sum but at the same time it has some structural bias. The reason is volume and size of China’s economy. Still good political relations and growing trade cooperation is a strong basis for long-term partnership and international friendship.
Discussion: This article rise a question of whether Russia can be an equal partner for China since the economy of latter is several times bigger. Still, long history of international cooperation and growing economic connections create a positive perspective for Russian-Chinese relations.
Russian-Indian international relations, history of international relations, foreign trade, India’s economy

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