
The Institutionalization of the Memory of the Great Patriotic War in the Don and the North Caucasus in the 2000s

(Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of the Sciences)

(Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of the Sciences; Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

Abstract: Preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War in the 2000s acquired new forms as a result of the death of participants and eyewitnesses of military events. The institutionalization of the memory of the war in the Don and the North Caucasus is of particular interest, as it is often accompanied by memorial conflicts. The experience of addressing the topic of the Great Patriotic War, its representation and use arouse interest both from professional researchers, as well as representatives of government agencies and the public. The authors consider such institutions as historical science, archives, memorial culture, the search movement and historical reconstruction. An important role in the formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War among modern youth is played by the education and upbringing system.
Great Patriotic War, Don, North Caucasus, memory institutions, historical memory, memorial culture

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