
Community in the Philosophy of S.N. Bulgakov as the Basis of Social Identification and Identity

(Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism)

(Kuban State University)

The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical, methodological and epistemological significance of the concept of community developed by S.N. Bulgakov, in relation to the determination of the foundations of social identification and social identity in secular sociality, church sociality and church-secular sociality, based on the dialectical methodology. On the basis of the Bulgakov texts, in secular sociality, we distinguished a type of social identity, defined as a “hero”, a process of social identification - “heroism”; at the level of church sociality, the type of social identification is “wanderer” and social identity is “wanderer”, and church-secular sociality involves social identification “self-sacrifice”, and the type of social identity “self-sacrificing” is formed.
Sociality based on community as a social ideal overcomes cultural relativism in church-secular sociality. Bulgakov community is regarded as the fundamental value of each type of sociality.
S.N. Bulgakov, сommunity, social identification, social identity, sociality, «hero», «wanderer», «self-sacrificing»

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