
(Adyghea State University)

(Adyghea State University)

The article considers the system of traditional nature management of Adygs, which has long inhabited the territory of the North-West Caucasus, formed under the conditions of a combination of lowland, pre-mountain and mountain landscapes. An analysis is made of the role of the main sectors of traditional nature management in the life support system of the autochthonous population of the region, where farming (including terraced), livestock (grazing), forest management (mountain horticulture) and hunting played a major role. In the plain territory, the dominant was a land rotation-disused land system of farming, in mountain landscapes it was replaced by a forest-grain-producing tradition of land use. Along with centuries of experience of traditional nature management by autochthonous population of the North-West Caucasus after the end of the Caucasus War, traditional nature management of migrants is formed. The authors conclude that the type of traditional nature management depended on the natural landscape, which led to the formation of an adaptive model of nature management and the integration of its expertise in the area of close inter-ethnic contacts between the autochthonous and allochthonous population of the region.
traditional nature management, North-West Caucasus, mountain horticulture, terraced farming, grazing, hunting, Adygs, migrants, natural and climatic conditions

K voprosu ob ob ektivnykh usloviyakh formirovaniya praktiki traditsionnogo prirodopolzovaniya pereselentsev na territorii severo zapadnogo kavkaza v kontse xviii xix vv

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