
Representation of the Values of Russians In the Audiovisual Environment of Cities in the South of Russia

(Southern Federal University)

The article is devoted to the role of the urban environment in the representation and maintenance of the values of Russians.
The article is based on the results of a sociological study of cities in the Southern Federal District, conducted with the participation of the authors in 2018. Research methods: a questionnaire survey and photographs.
The following values were chosen for consideration: Russian literary language; the value of fairness and equality; family value; security value.
Insufficient stimulation of some of the values of Russians by means of the audiovisual environment of cities (first of all, literary speech) has been recorded. Erosion of some of the basic values of Russian culture presented in the urban environment do not receive sufficient visual confirmation. It is recorded that the townspeople are ready to restrict the rights of other people in order to ensure their own safety, which confirms the erosion of the value of equality.
value, urban environment, culture, citizen, audiovisual environment

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