
Lexical Features of the Novel-Chronicles of A.M. Amur- Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son”

(Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov)

The article is devoted to the linguistic characteristics of the novel-chronicle of the founder of modern Kalmyk literature A.M. Amur-Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son”. It is indicated that the lexical and phraseological composition of the work, the distribution
of diff erent classes of words in the artistic space of the text is subordinated to the implementation of the author's plan and the impact on the readers' worldview.
Until now, the novel-chronicle of A.M. Amur-Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son” has not been studied in detail from the point of view of language features, except for the analysis of the functioning of non-equivalent and national-regional vocabulary in the
artistic space of the novel. The purpose of this article is to consider the lexical, semantic and morphological features of the novelchronicle of A.M. Amur-Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son”.
The main methods of analysis are linguostatistical and comparative. We studied the distribution of parts of speech at the beginning, middle, and end of the text, which, according to linguistic statistics, gives a general idea of the distribution of word classes as a whole in the text. Calculations were made for a segment of 1000 words for each text fragment. After determining the absolute data, we calculated the relative values, which were the basis for further comparisons, and determined the ranks of the units being compared. The analysis was carried out on the material of the text of the novel-chronicle of A.M. Amur-Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son” published in 1966.
The analysis of the distribution of word classes at three points in the novel-chronicle of A.M. Amur-Sanan “Mudreshkin's Son” testifies to the descriptive nature of the presentation of the text, constructed by nominating objects and subjects of the described fragment of reality, the characteristics of their features, properties. The lexical and phraseological composition of the text correlates with the theme: at the beginning of the chronicle novel, the nominations of objects of the material world of the Kalmyks, the natural environment, the feelings and experiences of the narrator dominate, in the middle and end of the text, socio-political vocabulary, cliched expressions characteristic of the "Soviet" syllable are frequent.
The lexical and semantic composition and distribution of word classes in the space of the novel correlates with its artistic function – the image of the Kalmyk reality, the breaking of family relations and the emergence of new relations in the Kalmyk steppe at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries and the ideological content – the idea of the need to fight the old nomadic way of life, the establishment of new orders in the life of the Kalmyks.
Kalmyks, literary text, novel-chronicle “Mudreshkin's Son”, language features, writer A.M. Amur-Sanan.

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