
(Southern federal university)

(Ege University)

(Ege University)

Historically, the territories of the South Caucasus have been the scene of interaction and rivalry between the leading Eurasian powers. In the post-Soviet period, the activity of the leading modern geopolitical actors, including Russia and Turkey,
was fully manifested here. The region, as a result, turned out to be a space of simultaneous "deployment" of both Russian ("Eurasian integration") and Turkish ("Turkish World») integration projects. The article examines the most significant post-
Soviet geopolitical, geo-economic and ethno-demographic changes in this region, emphasizes the signifi cant (recently sharply increased) role of the South Caucasus in the geopolitics and geo-economics of Eurasia, shows the remaining Russian interests
in the states of the South Caucasus, and describes the priorities of Russian-Turkish cooperation in this region. It is concluded that it is necessary (and possible) to turn the South Caucasus region into one of the most signifi cant areas of Russian-Turkish
cooperation (in transport, logistics, energy and other spheres) as part of the overall implementation of the strategy of Russian-Turkish "mutually supportive co-development in Eurasia".
Russian-Turkish cooperation, geopolitics, geo-economics, South Caucasus, Eurasia, Russia, Turkey, post- Soviet period

Yuzhnyj kavkaz kak odin iz prioritetnykh arealov rossijsko turetskogo vzaimodejstviya v sovremennoj evrazii

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