
Convergent and Divergent in the Scientific and Artistic Creativity of Yu.A. Zhdanov: Linguistics of Reflection (based on the material of “Dialogues with Nature”)

(Southern Federal University)

The scientific and artistic creativity of Yu.A. Zhdanov demonstrates the ability of a scientist to both logically organized and reasoned unidirectional justification of a value judgment about a certain socially significant entity (nature, science, cognition,
personality, individual human qualities, etc.), and to finding of multiple multidirectional judgments that allow solving one global problem by referring to various fields of knowledge, information from remote spheres.
The linguistic personality of Yu.A. Zhdanov reflects the ability of his thinking to manifest itself in two types: convergent and divergent. In scientific and artistic creativity, the scientist combines the formulation of value judgments with the formation of value representations of the reader. The convergent type of thinking manifests itself in written works where the starting point for axiological reflections is a specific reality (“Eclipse of the Sun”, “Gallic nut”, “Rainbow”). Divergent thinking is involved in solving a complex problem: in order to convey to the audience his conviction of the special significance and importance of the Caucasus for
the country and for human civilization as a whole, the author repeatedly refers to it in sketches, making the nature, culture, ethnic identity of the region special objects of attention. The figurativeness and expressiveness of Zhdanov’s scientific and artistic works in both cases is created due to the thoughtful structuring of miniatures, frequent reference to the antithesis, paradox, personification, epithet, metaphor, colour-based writing. Preference is given to simple and familiar images, which allows the reader to focus not on the features of the form, but on the ideological and content aspect of the written works. The texts demonstrate the erudition of the author, the breadth of his thinking, the ability to multidirectional associative understanding of socially and culturally significant entities.
thinking, creativity, convergence, divergence, scientific and artistic creativity, axiology, linguistic personality, Yu.A. Zhdanov, text structure, figurativeness, expressiveness

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