
Contemporary Historiography on the Participation of the Northern Caucasus Peoples in the Fighting in 1941–1945: Based on Dissertation Researches

(Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Southern Federal University)

(Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Purpose: сontemporary Russian historians are actively studying the participation of the peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War. The subject of study of the article is dissertations (PhD, Dr) in 2001–2021.
Methods: historiographic and source analysis, quantitative methods and information technologies are the basic methods of the current research. Historiographic sources are classified according to the problem-chronological principle and are the basis of a
database of dissertations on the participation of the peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War.
Results: the article describes the main directions and research centers of the participation of the peoples of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War. Contemporary dissertations have extended the range of studied issues, the number of historical sources introduced into scientific circulation has also increased, and new research approaches have appeared. However, since 2010,
the number of dissertations devoted to the participation of the peoples of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War has been decreasing.
Great Patriotic War, Russian historiography, regional historiography, peoples of the Northern Caucasus, dissertations (PhD, Dr)

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