
Stereotypical Ideas about the Traditional Russian House Izba in the Mirror of Proverbs

(Saint Petersburg State University)

The article is devoted to the study of the image of the hut, which serves as a home for a person and protection from the dangers of the outside world, participates in the expression of spiritual values associated with important categories of the Russian
picture of the world. The work consists of three stages: 1. analysis of the definitions of the word hut in order to identify the most important features included in the definition; 2. a survey of respondents aimed at identifying associations associated with the "izba" among native speakers of the Russian language; 3. systematization of stereotypical ideas found in Russian proverbs.
The results of the study show that the stereotypes expressed in proverbs mostly correlate with respondents' associations with the "izba" stimulus; the area of coincidences is the core of the associative field of the word-stimulus "izba". In a wide range of stereotypes reflected by proverbs with the hut component, 2 groups are distinguished: some characterize the hut as a building, others are associated with the role of the hut in family and social relations.
stereotypical ideas, Russian izba, proverbs, linguistic view of the world, associative experiment

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