
The Role of Yu.A. Zhdanov in the Development of Dagestan Science and Philosophy

(Daghestan State University, Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Understanding the regional nature of science and philosophy is a theoretical problem in itself. In a number of works by Yu.A. Zhdanov, methodological signifi cant instructions for solving this problem are given.
The study of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the almost century-old development of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in Dagestan provides a basis for the consistency of the status of national science and philosophy.
The Sufi variety of Islam, which later became the traditional Islam for the region, formed a more or less integral theoretical philosophical system in integration with the ethno-psychological and cultural factors of the existence of local ethnic groups.
This system received signifi cant impulses for development during the Soviet period of formation and formation of higher education in the republic, and then – after the opening of the specialty "Philosophy" at the Dagestan State University.
The regional vector in Dagestan science and philosophy has become defi ned largely due to the signifi cant role of the outstanding organizer of science in the South of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.A. Zhdanov.
Fruitful creative contacts of well-known philosophers and culturologists of the South of Russia have developed and continue to solve problems that go far beyond the narrowly Dagestan regional issues of national and ethno-confessional relations, including consideration of the peculiarities of civil society, epistemological ideas in religion, the place of cognitive culture in the spiritual life of the region.
Yu.A. Zhdanov, regional science, national philosophy, Dagestan, Dagestan branch of the Russian Philosophical Society

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