
The Phenomenon of Dominance in Communication Using the Example of Political Discourse

(Southern Federal University)

The purpose of this article is to show the mechanism for studying the phenomenon of dominance in communication using the example of political discourse. An analysis of modern philological research has shown that the study of dominance is carried out indirectly in a number of works, through the prism of related concepts: confi dent/uncertain speech behavior of an individual or groups of people; invective potential; reaction to aggressive statements, etc. We study dominance as a complex phenomenon from different perspectives: lexicographical, psycholinguistic, communicative and pragmalinguistic. In political discourse, dominance is realized as a communicative hyperstrategy through cooperative and confrontational strategies and corresponding tactics, and it is actualized as an implicit pragmalinguistic speech strategy.
dominance, political discourse, pragmalinguistics, speech signal, speech behavior, communicative strategy, tactics

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