
Evil Spirits’ Speech Strategies for Infl uencing People in American Movies

(Southern Federal University)

In modern society there is a strong sense of curiosity among human beings towards the supernatural world; and it is proved by modern cinema industry, continuously shooting films about demons, witches, and other evil spirits. Practically always they appear in movies in human fl esh and come to this world to influence people achieving their deceitful and evil intentions. American
pictures offer us rich material to study ways of infl uencing people and getting the desirable goals from them. This article represents a research into a series of psychological tricks and techniques used by evil spirits in movies. Skill and mastery of such techniques may turn out to be quite useful in life as in objective reality we can be aff ected by the infl uence of human beings possessing evil spirits’ qualities and our task on this occasion would be to become able to protect ourselves.
speech influence, speech strategy, evil spirits, devil, non-verbal means, communication, provocation

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