
Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Pokshishevsky in the History of the Development and Implementation of Major Industrialization Projects in the North Caucasus in the 20–30s of the Twentieth Century

(Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov)

The article introduces a number of archival documents that allow us to highlight some problems of the development of electrifi cation and industrialization plans in the North Caucasus region, as well as the role in their preparation and implementation of the corps of engineers educated in tsarist Russia. One of such forgotten names is Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Pokshishevsky, whose role in the industrialization of the region is really important and underestimated. The article discusses the life of engineer Pokshishevsky, his career and his alleged infl uence on the specifi cs of the development of the electric power industry in general, and hydropower on the utilization of energy from the waters of mountain rivers of the Main Caucasus Range. The article, according to the authors, allows us to look at the process of industrialization of the region from a new perspective.
industrialization, North Caucasus, Pokshishevsky, electrifi cation, Electrokrai, Baksan HPP, Malkinskoye fi eld

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